Additional Services
Contract Services
Town Lake Construction, LLC offers wildlife control services on a contractual basis to corporate clients. Contract services allow you to budget for a service that assures you that any wildlife situations that pose potential liability issues with tenants, students, customers and/or employees, will be addressed consistently, immediately and professionally.
With contract services, you receive a tailored analysis geared to address your specific issues and concerns with wildlife invasion on your property. We submit a bid for retrofitting correctable issues. Many of our clients are so pleased with our modifications to control unwanted wildlife; they feel confident in retaining our continued services for resolving any future wildlife issues.
Under contract, Town Lake Construction offers greatly expanded services, which include:
24/7 immediate response, on-call Wildlife Removal
Sports netting installations & repairs
Odor & Guano abatement services
Raccoon & nuisance wildlife removal
Feral cat removal
Building maintenance & repair
General construction
High-Rise & difficult access is our specialty
Be proactive to your wildlife control issues, as opposed to reactive: contact us for a wildlife control program tailored to suit your specific needs.
Architectural Consulting/Blueprint Analysis
Once bats or birds have established themselves in or on your building, it is more difficult to prevent them from re-entering. Having your blueprints reviewed and certified as “Wildlife Resistant” saves time, money and is a service for your clients that makes you stand out from the competition.
We’ve seen thousands of buildings where materials could have been changed in the blueprint stage that would have eliminated or greatly reduced many common problems of infestation. One example is using square metal stock in open areas, rather than “I-beams,’ in order to eliminate ledges that appeal to nesting birds. Another common feature we find that allows bats to move freely into buildings is parapet roof flashings left un-caulked on pre-cast buildings. These are just a few examples of how certifying your blueprints as “Wildlife Resistant” can help you take measures before breaking ground that save significantly in the life, beauty and maintenance of your buildings.
My twenty-five years of experience in project management, and as a professional estimator, assures you that our blueprint analysis gives detailed, accredited recommendations that ensure a minimum amount of pest bird and bat invasions in your building, complex or campus.
Every project is unique. Please contact us to discuss yours.
Odor Control
Most people’s initial reaction to foul odor is irritation, but the more important problem can be the damage odor contaminants may do to our respiratory system. Breathing air contaminants causes many respiratory diseases. At Town Lake Construction, we found that offering odor removal was an important and necessary part of helping clients manage wildlife and the damage they sometimes incur.
Removing guano is a necessary step in some bat/bird exclusion cases. The best way to get rid of any odor is to remove the odor causing substance, clean all the salvageable, affected areas, and to replace materials that have been too ruined to salvage.
When removing guano or other odor causing substances, we use custom-made vacuums and attachments that allow us to access awkward and hard-to-reach areas, minimizing damage to walls, floors or ceilings.
After the odor causing substance has been located and removed, we treat affected areas with air ionizers and organic biocides that remove odor, and more importantly, neutralize harmful bacteria.
As the final step, our construction backgrounds allow us to leave you with professional-quality repairs that preserve the integrity or your building.
If you need odor removal services, or have questions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your case.